Friday April 12, 2002

juggling balls The red juggling balls, Exerballs, weigh in at one pound each and make for a good upper body juggling workout. They are touted as being good for "joggling" (juggling while jogging) but in six years I've never worked up the nerve to try running down the street juggling.

The clear balls are acrylic, something I just HAD to buy after seeing In Motion with Michael Moschen. I don't aspire to emulate Michael, but the balls are pretty fun, especially trying some of the in-hand rotating tricks.

What does this have to do with anything? While working at the computer this morning I started smelling burning odors. More specifically, burning plastic. I sniffed uneasily around the Mac, hoping with all of my might that it wasn't self-destructing...anything but the flat screen monitor! Then, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a smoke tendril.


It's a little hard to spot the smoke but you can certainly see how the ball magnifies the background ball and the intense light on the red ball. By the time I found it the red ball had a pencil eraser sized hole melted into it. Remember, folks, a lense is a lense no matter what it's made of. And watch where you leave your acrylic balls.